This summer...
End of the Year Party - June 9, 3:00-6:00PM
We’ll be doing lots of water activities at church. Make sure to wear clothes that can get wet, and bring a set to change into.
Pool Party - June 30, 2:00-5:30PM
Bring a swimsuit, towel, and a snack to share. 7630 Bouman Drive in Middleville.
Day at the Beach - July 28
We’ll leave right after church. Bring a swimsuit, towel, sack-lunch, and money for ice cream. We’ll arrive back at church at about 5:00PM.
Day at Ray’s - TBA
We’ll be boating, tubing, and having fun on the lake. Bring a snack to share, a swimsuit, towel, and a life jacket (if you have one).